MIWOI Official Site

MIWOI Prediction Confirmed by Webb Telescope Finding
Introduction MIWOI (pronouced mee-woy) is a many-worlds model of quantum mechanics in which cohered worlds interact.
Summary MIWOI asserts that dark matter effects are proportional to the number of cohered worlds. More worlds were cohered during the early universe era than presently, which means the gravitational effects of dark matter were stronger then than now. This brought matter together at a quicker rate than it does now, so large galaxies could form soon in the early univere.

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) findings published in the November 13, 2024 Nature. show the early universe was inhabited by more large galaxies than can otherwise be accounted for.

Details According to MIWOI, dark matter is matter in other worlds. As a consequence of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, matter interacts across worlds that are cohered, thus the gravitational effects of matter are spread across cohered worlds. The effects of dark matter are proportional to the number of worlds cohered.

Per quantum theory, observations trigger decoherence. As more observations are made, more decoherence occurs, leaving fewer worlds cohered with ours as time passes. Less time had passed during the during the early universe, so less decoherence had occurred compared to the present.

With more worlds cohered during the early universe, there was more dark matter available to interact across worlds. Consequently, MIWOI predicts the early universe experienced relatively stronger gravitational fields in the vicinity of matter. This would facilitate more rapid matter agglomeration than occurs presently which would facilitate early galaxy formation.

Thus, MIWOI predicts large galaxies formed sooner in the the early universe than can otherwise be accounted for. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) findings published in the November 13, 2024 Nature. show the early universe was indeed inhabited by an otherwise surprising number of large galaxies.

MIWOI requires no modification to theories of gravity. Under MIWOI, gravitational field strength remains proportional to mass. Instead, decoherence slowly reduces the available mass, and thus the observed field strength decreases over time.

MIWOI's prediction is also supported by findings from colliding galaxies.

Published 2024 December 6

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